Kubernetes Tools for VS Code

Get the Extension

Infrastructure as code
Infrastructure in @code

The Kubernetes Tools extension for VS Code brings together useful open source tools, making it easy for you to access and manage key parts of your app and microservices without leaving your code.

  • View and manage Kubernetes clusters
  • Build and run containers from Dockerfiles
  • Intellisense for Kubernetes & Helm resources
  • Works anywhere (Azure, Minikube, AWS, GCP, etc)
  • ...and many more features
Screenshot of VS Code with the Kubernetes Tools extension

Kubernetes Tools API

Custom tooling on top of the Kubernetes Tools extension.

In building the kubernetes-tools extension, we've extracted a helpful kubernetes-tools-api layer and published it here, with the aim of enabling the development of more custom Kubernetes tools.

The API is available as an NPM package, so you can easily import and build upon it in your own extensions!

npm -i vscode-kubernetes-tools-api

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